
Showing posts from March, 2023

Reflection 3/9

   we didnt do anything today. we got in the classroom and took our benchmark assessment for the whole period . I got detention for being late to class 

Reflection 3/8

   Today was another poem annotation. This poem was about nothing good lasts forever. The poem was short so doing the annotation sheet was hard. For my personal connection i said it reminds me of my first girlfriend or love interest.     We parted ways and i had another love interest like seasonal changes like the the poem was describing. I finished it after the fire drill we had so i didn’t have to do it for homework.

Reflection 3/7

   Today we read the poem birches by Robert frost. It was about a man going through a rough time and reminiscing about his childhood. This peom reminded me that i should value the little time I have with no responsibility. We did a annotation sheet on the poem. Other than that we did nothing else.

Reflection 3/6

  We did a poem annotation today. We got a sheet this time and it was way better than doing it on the paper. It feels more neat and organizable. Mr. Rease helped us with like 75% of it. It was easy doing the rest of it so i got done within the first five minutes. After that we had donuts and chilled for the rest of the period.


  Today the second half of the students presented there project. While presenting we went to go to a parade. me and dahlan was out there with playing then we walked back to the room. after that we did bookwork and learned some more vocabulary. I think my favorite word from all the bookwork vocab we did is debacle. 

3-2 reflection

   Today we decided our project order. I didn't finish mines so she made our group go tomorrow. I finished my project but it took me a while. Watching the other groups present i gain more confidence that i would get a good grade. Other than that the day was really boring.

3-1 reflection

   Today we did our a group project. My job is to  draw a picture related to details in the story. My other groups mates have their roles. I had to re read the story and i realized that i miss a lot of things. I didnt get to finish my project so ill finish it tomorrow