
Showing posts from May, 2023

21. Something that doesnt get better

 Something that doesnt get better is my mema cooking. my mema  cooking is the best and it consistently hits the same. Shes definitely the best cook in my family. Nothings top mema cooking.

20. something i planned to do

 I planned on going on college tours this summer. It very important for me to find somewhere for me to to go to school after highschool. I dont want to leave the state though. That the most important thing i have planned for now.

19. something to big

 Back in elementary my grandma used to buy my school clothes to big. I was skinny but my calves were always big. My grandma used to think i was fat. She used to buy me  husky clothes and whenever i said they was to big she would buy the same husky clothes in a different size.

18. question you wished you asked

 I really dont have a question i wished i asked. Ive never been the type to ask questions. I definitely dont like when people ask me question it gets annoying. Therefore there is no question i wished i asked .

17. someone you forgot

 I forgot about my 3 cousins neko, karel, and joc. I knew them when I was younger but as time when by I slowly forgot them. They my cousins on my dad side and I dont really hang out with that side of family. I forgot about them but then they reminded me was was cousins about 3 weeks ago while we was at work.

16. knew something was over

Off rip I knew when my time working at popeyes was over. I hated working there, worst job I ever had. It was like i was doing everything by myself whenever I was at work. One night I got mad and I just walked out and never went back. 

15. no fun

 One thing that is no fun to me is watching movies. Movies are so boring to my and ruins all fun. I dont like to sit down for hours at a time watching a movie when i could be out doing other stuff. Movies are no fun at all.

14. certain of

The only thing im certain about is anything that is about me. I know myself better than anyone else and I dont appreciate false narratives about me. You could tell someone something about yourself and they may think your lying. If you are 100% sure about then it doesnt matter what people think.

13. Thank you letter

 Dear Mema                 Mema  I just want to say thank you for every thing you have done for me and my siblings. If it wasnt for you me and my siblings probably be around each other right now. Everyday you wake up early for to go to work just so you can provide for us. You make sure we clothes on our back and a roof over our heads. You make sure there is never a night where we have to go to bed hungry. You are a great support system, if there is even the slightest frown on my face you are the first to make sure im ok. I just want to say thank you for everything.

12. Gift not well received

 One time I bought my little brother a gift for his birthday once. I could tell he didnt like it from his reaction when he opened it. He through it away and didnt tell me about till later on. He told me dont ever buy him nothing like that again.

11. secrets kept from you

 One secret that was kept from me was my baby brother. I didnt know about my baby brother until a couple months after he was born. Since I dont really see my mom often I didnt even know she pregnant. I found out about my baby brother when my auntie finally adopted him.

10. secrets revealed

 Ive never really had a time where one of my secrets where revealed. I dont actually keep secrets because I feel as a person there really is not that much to hide. I tell people everything because I simply just do not care.

8. Something You used to know how to do

I used to very good at math in middle school. In elementary school and middle school I never made anything below an A in math. After corona hit and we went through the pandemic thats where everything went wrong. My grade in math now is  horrible.

7. Something you dont exactly remember

I dont know something I really dont exactly remember, thats kind of why I dont remeber it. I dont exactly remember my first car accident. All I know is we got in the car with my cousin friend. I fell alseep once I got in the car , then boom accident happens.

6. time you were in trouble

 I once got in trouble for spending over $100 on my uncles game. My uncle wasnt the person that was mad though, It was my grandma. She made me work for my uncle all summer to pay him back but he really just let me keep all the money i made. I couldnt play the game all month.

5. Something You have to much of

 One thing i have to much of is socks. I got so many socks that they take up 2 of my drawers. I have over 100 pairs of sock. My socks are not even some crazy socks with designs, they are all plain black and white socks.

4. something you cant deny

 One thing i cant deny is money. I love money. If money is offered to me 9/10 im going to take it unless its something illegal. If Someone offered me money to go bald id probably do it.

3. Something / someone being born

 I remember when my little brother jayden was born. I wasnt actually there the enitre time but I showed up right after he was born. I was still in school at the time. Then my uncle korsi came to pick me up and I was wondering why i was leaving early and he told me about jayden. Not going to lie Jayden was a ugly baby, I still love him though.

2. obsess over something meaningless

 At one point in time, I was obsessed with fruit snacks. Fruit snacks were the only snack i was eating at the time, it was like i was addicted to them. The best fruit snacks are welch´s tropical island fruit snacks. Till this day i still eat like 2 packs a day.

1. Dressed inappropriately

 One time I dressed inappropriately for the occasion was in middle school. I was in the chorus and we had a performance that I did not know about. The attire was Black dress clothes, but that day I wore sweatpants and jordans. They didnt let me perform since i was out of the proper attire.